Still doing keto

I haven't had many updated lately regarding my health and diet. I was very slowly losing weight the past few weeks almost to a pounds a week which I know I should be happy with but I wasnt. My strength gains in the gym were there and i kept being told to ignore the scale but being hard headed I didn't. Then in the last few days alone I dropped 3 pounds and got under the 220 pounds mark. 15 pounds lost total and 19 away from my goal then I will start to focus on lean mass building. I am guessing I have put on a few pounds (?) If muscle during this experience as well based on my strength and physique coming together. Love handles are almost gone, I get some veins in my arms and legs when lifting I want the veins to be there when not lifting which requires a very low body fat.
Eating it has been more if a challenge than I anticipated. I have fallen in line with lettuce wrapped bacon double cheeseburger with avocado. After not eating red meat for around 20 years this has been a pleasant surprise. I am even planning to have a steak this weekend.
Nutrition science goes back and forth so much that I may be back on the no red meat wagon again in a few months but I doubt it. I am a firm believer that weight gain and increases in fast are from carbohydrates and sugar has had a grip on my well being and performance forever.
I plan to start ramping up my running mileage in about 3 weeks and carry that into the late fall/winter mArizona racing season.

About runfaraz

I am a guy who loves to run marathons, and has been gifted with exceptionally slow genes which makes for mid pack finishes in races. If I don't run I become an unbalanced manic fool, so yes...running is my prozac. I believe that the key to a happy productive life is balance. Balance in all areas of your life. If one area is out of balance, all others go out of balance. Come back often as I love to see the hit counter go up!!! View all posts by runfaraz

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